Okay, so Marina tagged me so this will be fun! Here goes......
A. Attached or Single? Attached to my honey
B. Best Friend? Matt, my mom, Tyson
C. Cake or Pie? Cake of course...oooo I'd give anything for some chocolate cake right now!
D. Day of choice? Saturday: I can play with Belle all day and spend some time in the evening with my honey
E. Essential Item? my pink blanket
F. Favorite Color? Pink
G. Gummy Bears or Worms? Both
H. Hometown? Lexington, SC
I. Indulgence? A great handbag or a new pair of shoes
J. January or July? July absolutely!
K. Kids? YES...my sweet Belle
L. Life is not complete without? Family/Love
M. Marriage Date? June 11
N. Number of brothers & sisters? 1 sister
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples: crisp, cold and a mix of sweet and sour
P. Phobias? Losing my parents
Q. Quotes? This is sad, but my brain is so fried right now I can't think of one meaningful quote...sad, but true!
R. Reasons to Smile? Lots of things. You can find smiles all around if you take the time to enjoy life!
S. Season of Choice? Spring
T. Tag some Peeps! I think Tyson has already been tagged so I'm tagging LizAnn!
U. Unknown Fact about Me? I'm a little of a control freak, and a little obsessive about small details.
V. Vegetable? Green Beans
W. Worst Habits? I'm a packrat
X-Ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound...still one of the neatest experiences of my life
Y. Your Favorite Food? Dito the pasta Marina ;)...actually any carb would be good by me!
Z. Zodiac Sign? Taurus
Hopefully, Belle and my future children will look back on this some day and find it amusing.
Adventures in the Louvre part 2
1 day ago